Writing by non-native speakers (NNSs) of English is often difficult or impossible to understand (although some of them write better English than native speakers!).
Some NNSs have great things to convey but lack the vocabulary in English to express them.

Editing a text by a non-native speaker requires not just the usual work of correcting grammar, spelling errors, redundant words, etc, but also correcting for misapplied rules, limited vocabulary, lexical errors and so on.

Good editing requires that the editor knows what the writer means. Thus it is often important that the editor knows the writer’s language so that s/he correctly interprets what the writer wants to express.

Having a good command of French, Spanish, Italian and German, I have specialised in editing texts for international clients.

Send me your text, or part of it, and I will send you back an edited sample along with an estimate for editing all of it.

Correction et relecture pour les non-anglophones

Je me spécialise dans la correction et la révision des épreuves de textes pour des clients non-anglophones, y compris des think tanks et des universités internationaux, ainsi que des agences de l'UE.
Ayant une bonne maîtrise du français, de l'espagnol, de l'italien et de l'allemand, je me suis spécialisée dans la révision de textes pour des clients internationaux. 

Vous pouvez m'envoyer votre texte, ou une partie de celui-ci, et je vous renverrai un échantillon édité accompagné d'un devis pour l'édition complète.